Creative Main Image


Estee Lauder
The Honest Company
Beam Suntory
Astellas Pharma
Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits
Morton Salt
Kiva Confections
Proctor & Gamble
D E S I G N Product & Package Development Concepts CAD & Visualizations Consumer & Context Research Brand & Identity Development 3D-Printing & Die Cut Samples Tech Drawings & BOM RFQs S T R A T E G Y Innovation Workshops Story & Vision Crafting Launch Planning & Support Site & Operations Evaluations Project Management & Analysis Sustainability Planning & Support

How did you get interested in creating? What were your early influences?

By being a child. I also found industrial design (physical products) early!


How has being based in the US influenced your work as a Strategist?

US is a wonderful epicenter. I think and travel globally.


As someone who has witnessed the industry’s evolution firsthand, how has your creative process evolved?

Constant evolution. Ai / Blender / Ethnography / start-up methodology are all relatively new to me


What was your very first Creative job? How have you grown since then?

I sold a wire cat sculpture in 8th grade. Been all-in since then. Still have a chicken-wire chicken displayed proudly.


How did your journey into the creative world begin?

It never began. It was always and will always be.


How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends & technologies in your field and how do you incorporate them into your work?

My feed feeds me. All day.


What does your creative process look like?

Depends. Start wide and progress with deliberate narrowing.


Can you discuss your experience working with a team, and how you collaborate with other disciplines?

Cross-functional collaboration is my sweet spot. Also co-creation. My track record of real-world launches demonstrates this.


Please tell us about your recent work and what kind of projects you take on.

Packaging and device design (3D & 2D / plastic & paper & metal / biomedical & cosmetics). Start-up launch planning. Workshops & strategy sessions. Education and promotions. I see these as all related to the innovation product and brand launch process.

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