Flexible monthly plans for all your

creative needs


$5,000 / month

Best for smaller projects like updating sales decks, revising email copy, or updating web content.

  • 50 team hours
  • Designated Creative Director
  • Project management included
  • AI platform access included


$10,000 / month

Best for ongoing projects like creating new sales collateral, custom imagery, or web designs. 

  • 100 team hours
  • Designated Creative Director
  • Project management included
  • AI platform access included


$20,000 / month

Best for larger or high-volume projects like developing integrated marketing campaigns or videos.

  • 216 team hours
  • Designated Creative Director
  • Project Management included
  • AI platform access included


Let us create a custom plan based on your team’s needs.

Have a question?

How do I know which plan to pick?

Picking the right plan depends on your needs. We recommend the Starter plan for ongoing small design or copywriting projects like optimizing web copy, creating social content, or updating email campaigns. Most clients start with the Growth plan since it’s easy to change plans (up or down) each month.

We’re also here to help you pick the right plan, or build you a custom plan. Just schedule a meeting. Schedule a call.

Why do I need a Creative Director?

From our experiences managing marketing teams in-house at companies large and small, and now helping our own clients, we know the Creative Director is the lynch pin that holds everything together. Your dedicated Creative Director will learn your business, understand your goals, bring new ideas to the table, and provide day-to-day strategic guidance, oversight of creative development, and team management to deliver top notch work and a smooth experience for you and your team.

Who chooses my creative team?

You’ll choose the Creative Director for your team. We make it easy to get to know them before you decide. You can even schedule a call to meet them before getting started. Once we know your needs and goals, we’ll select the remaining team members from our vast community of 750 creatives to ensure you get an all star team.

What types of projects can I do with Laetro?

Working with Laetro means you have over 50 creative capabilities at your fingertips. Branding, website design, video production, sales and marketing collateral, SEO content, and performance marketing campaigns are just some of things we can create.

What if my needs change? 

We know flexibility is key. Scaling your team up or down based on your to-do’s is easy. It’s also easy to add new creative capabilities since we have a thriving community of over 750 creatives representing over 50 different skills.

Is there a minimum time commitment?

We ask for a two month initial commitment to ensure we give you and your new creative time time for a thorough onboarding. After the initial two months, you will be on month-to-month billing if you choose to pay monthly.

How do I cancel?

You can cancel your monthly plan with 15 days notice and you’ll have access to your creative team for the rest of your billing period. 

For yearly plans, you can cancel with 15 days notice before the year is over. You’ll keep access to your creative team through the end of the billed year.

Let’s get creative together.

Start a free consultation with a Creative Solutions Specialist.