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Steven Rosenthal

American Egg Board
Arm Hammer
New York Lottery
Area23, an IPG Health Company
Crown Royal
Breathe Right Strips
Grey Advertising
Saatchi Wellness
Real Chemistry
Steven Rosenthal
In the Advertising business I go by many names, ACD/CD/Art Director, But I consider myself a consumer, and more importantly a "Insight Finder". I love to start with asking myself the question "What makes me feel an emotional connection to a brand?" Then bring it to life through the ideation and creation of advertising campaigns, brand platforms, commercials, storyboards, social media, integrated content, and other creative executions. Whether designing a series of unique adlobs for focus group testing, or overseeing the development of a TV campaign from concept through post-production, I can be as involved as you want. So if you're looking for big, bold ideas, check out some of the brands that I've helped make famous – and let's talk about how we can make your brand famous, too. BRANDS: Pringles, Breathe Right, Crown Royal, Febreze, E*trade, Arm & Hammer, Jardiance, NJ Lottery, SLIDE™ Cat Litter, Robitussin, Vitafusion, Li'l Critters, Xyzal®, Hess. Advil, and American Egg Board. SPECIALTIES: TV. Print. Viral. Digital. Social. Integrated. Outdoor. Mobile. Campaign Platforms. Adlobs. Activation Ideas. PORTFOLIO:
Article coming soon.
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