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Sterling Osment

Sterling Osment
Sterling Osment has been captivated by moving pictures since childhood. With an eye for beauty and a mind brimming with stories, Sterling pursued a career in the visual effects and animation industry. Having worked on a range of award-winning projects, spanning fiction and documentary, Sterling believes that a picture is worth a thousand words.
From Moving Pictures to Visual Effects
3D model of a sci fi car racing in sand

What inspired you to pursue a career in visual effects and animation?

Sterling: I love to create, make, and design. So many inspiring films have influenced my career.

3D model of a Corvette

Can you share some of your notable projects and their impact on the industry?

Sterling: Adobe medium and Gravity Sketch design and creative using VR as a primary sculpting and design tool.

A family picnic in front of their space ship

Can you describe a particularly challenging project you have worked on and how you overcame any difficulties?

Sterling: 9 times out of 10 all projects hold a challenge to overcome, staying flexible and creative in the process is important. Small tests lead to broader solutions.

A synthesizer decorated with key elements from our solar system
“Small tests lead to broader solutions. 9 times out of 10 all projects hold a challenge to overcome, staying flexible and creative in the process is important.”
A 3D rendering of a sci fi pilot's chair

How do you approach working on a project for a client and what is your process?

Sterling: Quoting is half the work, the rest is planning, production, and communication.


Can you discuss the different styles and techniques that help you create a compelling project?

Sterling: Using VR to create designs for sci-fi ships, and 3D printing to visualize the perceived or directed product.


Can you describe a particularly challenging project you have worked on and how you overcame any difficulties?

Sterling: Sculpting and 3D printing a suit for film, this was then prefabricated to foam latex – the spec was from concept art and I was responsible for the digital sculpting and pipeline to manufacture the suit to 3D print, which I also was responsible for the dimensional accuracy of fitting the actor and printing process. Overcoming this was a process of testing and checking, the final parts were then double-checked for fitment. Attention to detail is key.

A 3D model of a spaceship inspired by a grasshopper
A sticker of a ghost

Can you discuss your experience working with a team, and how you collaborate with other departments?

Sterling: As a VFX producer I know the importance of a production pipeline and working with teams and departments to keep a smooth efficient workflow connection. Relationships are important in team development.


How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in animation and how do you incorporate them into your work?

Sterling: I think it’s exposure to industry technique, as well as my own driven interest to pursue creative technology.

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