Romeo Varga
Storyboard Artist
Fine Artist
I grew up in Kensington Maryland a few miles out of Washington DC. Oldest of three. My parents are still together after 58 years. After I graduated from the University of Maryland, I lived in San Francisco. Then I moved to Los Angeles where I lived for many years working in advertising, playing music and writing books. I moved to North Carolina at the end of 2019 and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made!
I'm pretty meticulous in everything I do. I like to plan and plot and think and obsess over things before I get started. While I'm in the middle of a project I'm my happiest. After a project ends I feel the itch to start a new one. Projects bring me joy.
Before a time when there were digital files being sent through the air, I had to develop a system for localized ads for every single new Starbucks that opened. You can imagine the sheer amount of ads that were developed and managed and shipped. This was at the same time that we were designing all the seasonal in-store materials for the shops and launching in Canada. There were a lot of moving parts and I loved the challenge of managing all of the pieces.
I work with integrity and treat my team as though I would a client. My approach to managing projects isn't just about the work, it's about the people doing the work. And I'm pretty seasoned. I've been in the advertising industry since the 90s. I started out when I was 10. ;)
What's my dream project? That's a great question, but Isn't every project a dream?
I've worked with hundreds of teams over the years. Sometimes small teams of 4 or 5 and other times teams of 10 - 15 people. I consider myself very friendly and helpful and understanding. I'm great at keeping the team focused on the topic during meetings. I enjoy helping guide and wrangle the team members to hit up our milestones and due dates.
I could write a book about this. I've been around since before the internet. So needless to say, I've gone from running across rush-hour traffic on Montgomery St to make it to the FedEx cut off at 5pm to uploading 50 digital files to Ticketmaster for approvals and media placement. I evolve with each new job and project. Flexibility is the key to longevity.