Samuel Michlap Studio

Marvel Studios- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Umbrella Academy
The Watchmen
Star Trek Discovery
The Batman
Imagi Studios
Amazon Studios- Live action films
Samuel Michlap Studio
My name is Samuel Michlap and I have been working as an artist within the entertainment industry since Lion King in 1992. After 5 years of a formal training specializing in film design during Lion King and Hunchback, DreamWorks invited me to join their new studio in 1995 as a Lead concept designer for Prince of Egypt. I have worked within animation, Live action, and themed entertainment for the past 30 years. My passion is telling stories, visually. I am versed in a variety of approaches ranging from stylized to ultra realistic. My passion is in creating mood, emotion and bold pictures, which help my clients deliver the best product possible. I enjoy both leadership roles as well as time spent at my board imagining new worlds. Please reach out if you have need of my skills and experience. I look forward to collaborating with you soon.
Article coming soon.
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