Lara Palmer

Destination Canada
McCain Foods
Coast Capital Savings
Dairy Farmers of Canada
Jimmy Dean
Destination Vancouver
Shaw Communications
Lara Palmer
As an award-winning Advertising Art Director, Writer & CD for 30+ years I can approach a creative problem from all sides and have acquired a full toolbox to help me find insightful and original creative solutions. I bring strong conceptual and executional skills that I can apply to a single piece or across multiple touch points. My work has exceeded business goals and won hundreds of Canadian and International creative and effectiveness awards including One Show pencils, CA’s, Andy’s, Cassies and Cannes Gold Lions. Honoured as Strategy Magazine's 7th most awarded Art Director in Canada between 2000 and 2010.

How has being based in Canada influenced your work as a Art Director?

Canada is a large country with a small population compared to the U.S. so creative teams can get more opportunity to do national, North American and global work because we don't have as many people to throw at a creative problem. As a result creative teams really get to own their work and tackle problems and find creative solutions they might not get the opportunity to in larger countries like the U.S.

Ad for McCain DistractiFry
Fryer at dinner table
Cartoon of text balloons over fryer

What does your creative process look like?

I believe quantity of ideas lead to quality of ideas. I allow myself to cast the net out wide and come up with as many creative solutions as possible at the beginning of a project without fear or judgement. Using peer review feedback I then identify the original ideas in the mix. I then focus on those original ideas to make them as strong as possible.

Illustration of flexible gymnast

When creating a brand identity, how important is target audience research?

Target audience research can be important to help understand how the audience thinks and acts in relation to a certain brand for any kind of creative work that is targeted.

Illustration of woman looking out of ornamental window frame

How has your work evolved since you began your practice?

I started out as an Art Director and continue to work as an Art Director but now also have gained the skills to work as a Copywriter and Creative Director.

Red woman with boxing gloves

You have worked in a multitude of realms in the entertainment industry, what is next for you? Is there more you want to explore?

I have worked in many categories creating ad campaigns as an Advertising Creative. My next step creatively is to create entertainment content and visual art not just the work of persuasion.

Man patting his face
Woman with a large afro
Illustration of silhouetted characters against red city

How do you see the digitalization of art? Apart from convenience, which important feature does technology add to your artwork? Which are your favorite technologies to use for work?

I've used digital tools like photoshop for years to create the look, mood and execution I'm looking to achieve. Emerging AI technologies are now a part of that toolbox.

Man holding man on couch
Woman eating from fridge

Can you share some of your notable projects and their impact on the industry?

McCain Distractifry - 2.2 million views on Youtube, 53 milion media impressions, 22% increase in sales

Lululemon 20 years - Communication Arts Animation winner & fan fave -

Five Alive sustained campaign - Over 5 years 98% volume growth

SPCA Pet adoption - Cannes Gold, One Show Gold, World's Funniest commercials -

Father and daughter on couch watching tv

As creative professionals, a large chunk of our process is finding inspiration for our work. How do you come up with new ideas for your projects?

Human insights + relevant cultural touchstones

Richmond Centre ad

What got you interested in Copywriting particularly?

As an Art Director I always love coming up with ideas. Traditionally it's the copywriter that writes the ideas. I always felt drawn to express ideas through both art + copy. Having the copywriting skills along with visual skills is integral to offering successful creative solutions.

Cheese rolling ad

What sort of education or training did you seek out to further evolve your skills as an Art Director? Did this schooling fully prepare you for working as an Art Director?

Out of high school I studied "Communication & Design" at Ontario College of Art & Design. My instructors were all working in the advertising and design fields so I was set up to be successful within the industry.

Cow with the words 'The End' over it

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