Fabri Orellano
Art Director
Graphic Designer
I think that in the mind of a creative that balance is natural, it does not require effort.
I think and draw ideas, look for references, separate them into parts, take them out of context and then put everything back together again.
Always. In my home, the resource of humor was used all the time to face different situations, which is why the gymnastics of creativity were present since I was born. And I also believe that that comes in the DNA. My grandfather, my father and his brothers were like that. Living in Argentina it is almost mandatory to be creative
Masters of design, of the history of communication, artists, film directors. The entire Bauhaus School, to name a few
Using new technologies, being updated but always starting from the already known base.
Studying, reading, searching for information, talking with colleagues. To be able to incorporate them into my work in the best way.
I try to get to know them, I talk, I ask, I pose situations to find out their opinions. I speak without technicalities, I open myself with examples and options.
From the beginning of the creation of the communication system, it is key to define a solid base and then with this starting point to be able to make it more flexible whenever necessary. It is essential to be able to open a system. The brand must continue to be recognized, of course.
Concentrated breathing with paper and pencil
Essential. I need to know who I'm going to talk to.