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Andrew Goldin

Andrew Goldin
Andrew Goldin is a Creative Director and writer with over twenty years of experience. He's been doing freelance work for about 7 years now. He worked for the Beastie Boys in LA when they were recording Hello Nasty.
Learning by Oneself

Andrew Goldin dismisses the necessity for formal education to become a good creative.


Please tell us about your 20+ years of CD/writer experience.

In the words of my fellow tribesman Drake, "I started from the bottom." Since then I've worked at agencies big and small as both a full-time employee and freelancer. MAL keeps you the most well-fed.

A dancing jelly cube

How's shifting to freelance been?

Loving it!

Brooke Shields Volkswagen commercial

What suggestions would you give to someone looking to do the same?

As a little ad slogan I once heard goes, "Just Do it".


Tell us about America's Yearbook, please?

This was a passion project I did to make my voice heard on guns and gun violence. Agency work is great but side projects are my favorite. It was cool to see all the coverage and support it got from the likes of The Today Show, The NYT, CBS News, and more. I even got a thank you letter from the then-Governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf.

A Field & Stream magazine cover

Likewise, what was your project with Foo Fighters?

Another passion project – my first actually. I sold out a Foo Fighters concert that didn't exist. It was huge with write-ups in Spin, Rolling Stone, NME, featured on CBS News, and more. I even had the then Mayor of Richmond Dwight Jones declare September 17th as Foo Fighters Day in Richmond, VA.


Please briefly highlight your professional journey – education, work, etc.

I had a guy threaten Alex Bogusky into giving me a job. It worked and I've been at it ever since.

Burger King wedding gift
I think you can use ad school to become a great advertising creative.
Coca-cola with coffee

What's the importance of formal education in your field?

I don't think you need ad school to become a great advertising creative. But the system is set up so that you need it to get into the door.


What are you looking forward to now?

I've got a new side project in the works and it will be a ton of fun.

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