Saata Bangura
Creative Director
Art Director
Graphic Designer
Fine Artist
Directing for me is truly collaborative. The ability to take in all the ideas and create a cohesive vision across departments is what I find exciting about the work. I've played every position in production so being able to communicate vision in a language that all departments understand is the magic of directing.
I really focus in on the emotions behind the words in every project. I love to amplify the subtext of the story and use that as the GPS to brining the story to life.
A big rule for me is to create the coolest playground for everyone to play in. That requires enough room for everyone to be great. I always say the best ideas win. Sometimes the wardrobe artist has a great idea that makes the scene. A golden rule is to create an environment where everyone has a voice.
In a recent video game, I had to direct six actors, two of whom were transforming from human to monsters, and fighting each other while falling off a 100 ft. cliff. In a finite volume space with mocap suits and head cameras, the action was challenging. I divided the studio into three spaces, built a ramp for the cliff and divided the scene into three pieces to cover all the sections. With a great crew, some well placed eye-lines and crash pads, we made it work.
I usually measure twice and cut once. I like to have a very well detailed plan before the shoot. I also make sure all those involved really understand the plan before the shoot as well. I have experience directing in a lot of different mediums which helps with navigating any last minute unknowns.
The story is always the goal. Regardless of what I believe the style is or should be, the compromise usually presents itself if we are true to the story.
Managing many projects is normal for me. The nature of the performing arts is one that usually requires managing multiple projects. I've learned to be honest about time management and realistic about meeting outcomes without sacrificing quality.
I've always kept my ear to the streets when it came to staying current, but point of view has always been my guide to being unique. The ability to craft a point of view between myself and the client has kept me aligned when it comes to creative identity.