Bringing together AI and human design for brand illustrations

Case Study

The Virta logo.

Virta Health is a leader in diabetes reversal and sustainable weight loss through a nutrition-first digital approach. The company offers a proven, personalized nutrition program and expert support to solve the health epidemic of our generation: diabetes and obesity. Virta empowers members with the tools and knowledge to sustain changes for a longer, healthier life.

Virta reached out to Laetro with their latest campaign idea: launch an out-of-home billboard campaign in four metro areas in the US, with creative assets tailored for each market.


A unique mix of generative AI and human creativity

Virta’s request came at a pivotal time for AI. Image generation tools have become widespread, but their output is often inconsistent in its style and hard to use in application. This project was perfect for using a combination of generative AI and human creativity. We cast seasoned illustrator, Travis Kotzebue, and gave Virta hands-on access to Laetro’s responsible AI tool.

Right from the start, Adam Beu, Senior Designer at Virta Health, found Laetro AI impressive and intuitive to use. 

"I thought it was really impressive. I was able to just start typing what I was hoping to see and play around with it from there."
Adam Beu, Senior Designer at Virta Health

The Virta team had the beginnings of a strong creative concept for their upcoming campaign, but needed to explore it further. They wanted to inspire prospective clients with a powerful message, which they’d communicate using targeted billboards across each of the four cities. 

Using Laetro AI, they were able to generate illustrations in their style as exploratory concepts to communicate their vision before handing the assignment to Travis.

Concepts generated using Laetro AI

“Using Laetro AI in the early concept exploration phase helped get us more than half of the way there. It helped bring our vision to life without the ambiguity that we were used to before a tool like this.”
Adam Beu, Senior Designer at Virta Health

Billboard illustration finished by Laetro Creative Travis Kotzebue

The Results

Laetro AI reduced the time it took to go from concept to final assets for Virta’s campaign. Virta used Laetro AI to generate high fidelity, early ideas and sketches ultimately saving Adam and his team a lot of time.

As an added benefit, Laetro AI also helps alleviate the workload from the small, but mighty, Virta Health creative team. 

“We encourage other teams at Virta to self-serve Laetro AI so we aren’t the conduit for all things illustration. It’s so user-friendly. It’s something that really anyone can use because it’s already pre-populated with Virta's illustration style.”
Adam Beu, Senior Designer at Virta Health

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